Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment

Specific questions related to potential conflicts of interest or commitments can be directed to external site (opens in a new window) or external site (opens in a new window) .

Managing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research

Federal regulations, state laws and University policies establish standards and requirements regarding the disclosure and management of financial conflicts of interest in research to ensure that the design, conduct and reporting of research is free from bias.

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Managing Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Practice

To assure professional and commercial integrity in all matters, UCSF provides guidance that i) addresses the potential for conflicts of interest in clinical practice in the context of existing policies, and ii) assists in the implementation of these policies

COI in clinical practice

Reporting Outside Professional Activites for Faculty

Guidance for the identification and management of outside professional activities in order to avoid conflicts of commitment, while assuring that faculty and other academic appointees may engage in a wide array of outside activities without unnecessary limitations.

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Accepting Personal Gifts

The permissibility of accepting personal gifts depends on a variety of factors.

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