Shipping Items Internationally

Questions? Contact Clinical Trials Regulatory Support


Export controls affect whether items can be taken out of the country and what documentation is required to accompany them. Be aware of how your destination and intended activities may be affected by export controls.

Complete an International Shipment Form

A reminder that everything that crosses outside of the US border is an export. Export control applies to tangible items, software and technology (know-how), and material doesn’t have to be dangerous to be controlled. Interactions or sharing of controlled information with certain international entities and persons are also restricted. 

The Export Control Officer must therefore review all items prior to their shipment. 

Complete the International Shipment Form and submit to [email protected]

Shipping research-related items

Materials and specialized equipment should be shipped in advance of travel instead of hand-carrying them. The documentation expectations for shipped goods are generally clear, increasing the likelihood your items will arrive on-time. Hand-carrying items increases the likelihood of enhanced inspection by customs officials both domestically and abroad, potentially disrupting travel.

NOTE: Do not take any of the following without first obtaining specific advice from UCSF Export Control as these items may require an export license: 

  • Data or information received under an obligation of confidentiality.
  • Computer software with restrictions on export to or access by foreign nationals.
  • Devices or equipment with restrictions on export to or access by foreign nationals.
  • Devices, systems, or software that was specifically designed or modified for military or space applications.