Your Role in UCSF's Research Security Program


Safeguarding UCSF's research enterprise is a collaborative effort. 

Do your part by...

Accurately Disclosing:  Complete and update federal agency and UCSF disclosures often. Review federal requirements and UCSF expectations when submitting a proposal or accepting funding.

Reviewing UCSF Resources:  Review and use the resources maintained by the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) and those that can be found here. 

Understanding all terms and conditions: Work closely with your research administrators, OSR, and Export Control and Research Security Officer to understand any foreign influence-related conditions (e.g., foreign visitor approval, data security requirements, etc.).

Asking Questions:  If you have questions regarding improper foreign interference, proposed international collaborations, or the disclosure process, or UCSF's approach to addressing these concerns, please contact the Export Control and Research Security Officer.

Seeking Additional Guidance:  Both the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) and the Export Control and Research Security team are available to assist researchers with understanding and navigating compliance and legal requirements.