Maintaining a Study on

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Record Owners are expected to update their records within 30 days of a change to Overall Recruitment Status or Completion Dates and at least once every 12 months.

Requirements for Maintaining Study Records


Record Owners are required to update their records within 30 days of a change to any of the following: Overall Recruitment Status and Completion Dates

Annual Review

Record Owners are required to update or verify the accuracy of their record(s) at least once every 12 months.

Status Changes

Upon change in status to ‘Active, Not Recruiting’ and/or ‘Completed’ all ‘Anticipated’ enrollment numbers must be changed to ‘Actual’ enrollment numbers in the ‘Study Design’ section of the record.

For NIH-Funded Studies

Upon Actual Study Completion Date (last participant's last study visit), a blank informed consent form (ICF) that was used to enroll participants may be uploaded to the record no later than 60 days after the last study visit by any participant to satisfy the Revised Common Rule requirement.

How to Update a Study Record

Please see PRS' Updating a Study Record Guided Tutorial for assistance with complying with maintenance requirements.